Ports that OpenResty Edge™ is listening on
- 443: Used for Web services, visible on the public network.
- 12345: Used for Node to communicate with Admin, visible on the public network.
- 8081: Used for recompile tool, locally ( visible.
- 12380: test server, locally visible.
- 12443: Test server, locally visible.
- 8089: Backend service for Admin, visible on the public network.
- 12346: Node for communicating with Log-server, receiving metrics data, etc., visible on the public network.
- 80, 443: default service used for proxy APP, visible on public network.
- 11212: Used for shared ssl session, visible on the intranet.
- 8090: Used for sharing resources within the cluster, visible on the intranet.
- 8091: Used to get the status and version of Node nodes, locally visible.